tim oehler
Tim Oehler
pictorial realities I photography I portraits I
landscapes I cityscapes I art
I'm interested in actual life. Exiting. The fleeting and fragile. The moment. These moments that push their way into my consciousness and want to stay. Then I try to give it a frame. A square. A section of the picture to convey this feeling that is triggered in me. It is a constant attempt.
It started before I trained as a photographer in the early 1990s and was intensified by that. After that, it drove me into advertising. At the time when advertising was still primarily related to creativity and not the "measurable success" in numbers, sales played the main role. Of course, that was important too, but the focus was different in my eyes.
To compensate, I always did my own projects. I did exhibitions in my then snack bars in the Schulterblatt and in the city centre, photo books or larger exhibitions. Many friends of mine were, are artists. A coincidence? I don't think so.
They inspired me again and again. The confrontation with the everyday and the manifold realisations of it. Whether in painting, literature, music or photography. More project ideas and implementations followed.
It remains exciting. Indeed.
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